Chances are, if you’ve been with SiCO for more than a day, you’ve heard of Rasax. And we’re betting you’re more than likely thinking ‘why would I want to join that corp?’. They’re a bunch of trolls, shit-posters and all they do is PVP. Which, to be honest, does sum up the Rasax for the most part. That said, we’d like you to take a minute or two and find out more about us and see what we’re all about.
Eve is a PVP game. When you undock, there’s someone who’s out there to get you. In Rasax, our main focus is being those people. Corp members have most of their skills in weapons and ship handling, frequently burn out modules trying to get that extra bit to take down another ship and post gf’s (good fight) in local at the end of it all. If this is what you’d like to focus on, come yeet with us.
However, pvp is not all we do. Sadly, the loot fairy doesn’t always drop those juicy modules and we make isk the same way as other people. Well, maybe not exactly the same. See a Rasax ship ratting, chances are it’s got at least a warp disruptor, just in case. Want to mine? Just make sure safety’s on red and you’ve got combat drones on board. Want to haul stuff? Ummmm, we might not be for you. But the most important thing is we do this all as a group. Rasax is, above all, a social corp. We chat a lot outside of the game about eve, other games and life in general. We even, on occasion, organize ourselves and elevate our kick assery to new levels.
To put it simply, Rasax is a complete Eve experience, if your eve experience consists of being a space pirate. Explore, fight, gather loot and have some laughs at the end of it all.

Point of Contact for Diplo:

Catyana Oskold





Chances are, if you’ve been with SiCO for more than a day, you’ve heard of Rasax. And we’re betting you’re more than likely thinking ‘why would I want to join that corp?’. They’re a bunch of trolls, shit-posters and all they do is PVP. Which, to be honest, does sum up the Rasax for the […]

Tags: hardcore / lowsec / piracy / pvp / tight knit