We want all of our members to be aware of our special interest group system that will allow us to aim our pings about certain activity to just the people who are interested in that type of activity. For this reason the MQP training has a new step that goes:
3. Apply for groups
The coalition has different groups that represent people with roles. You can apply to any of the groups in here https://auth.silentcoalition.com/groups/. All normal groups require a checking from the group managers while special interest groups are free to be joined or left at any time. Special interest groups will let the other players know the type of things you are mainly interested in and receive more pings about these events.
As a MQP trainee we want you to be interested in the MQP fleets. Please apply to the special interest: MQP que group. Once you have completed your fleet you will be removed from the group.

Hello all, thank you for invite to join the Coalition , will start reading the mandatory stuff tomarrow, got to say goodnight for now