Welcome to the SiCO stock market! You may support the coalition corporations or the coalition itself by buying shares of the corporations. Shareholders will be listed on this page.

You can buy shares from the market shares section

Once the shares have been sent to you they can never been taken away from you against your will. The only way for you to lose them is to send them to another entity yourself

Phase 1

We are currently in the phase 1 of trying to form a nice mini game and a proper stock market for SiCO.

At this stage we will only be releasing shares to the market from the holding corporations. In other words buying share is a donation to the coalition where you get some shares sent to you as a recognition of your donation.

Only SiCO members are able to buy shares at this stage.

In the next phases we are trying to build a fun little market system where you will be then able to trade shares with other corporations or players as well as gain profits and dividends from the shares you own. However building this system is very complicated and will take some time as well as trial and error.
