Siege of J105348 and the return of the SEADC

Booo! We are now scary wormhole people and are here to stay! We have successfully onlined an Astrahus class citadel inside J105348 and are now ready to take over the might wormhole! Between us and the lordship of this god forsaken hole stands the might of offline POS towers and POCO arrays.

As our first ruling act in this dark pocket of space we are inviting all of you SiCO Members to a bashing party so that we can get rid of the nasty and dangerous structures anchored in space and replace them with our own POCOs with 0% tax for you to use!

Be ready in Jita on the 6th of October (on Saturday) at 1700 for form up for the fleet. Ships or money will be provided for you to buy a mighty combat vessel. We will be using anything with max DPS to speed up the evil process of removing hostile offline structures.

Our heroic scouts will help your way into our new home so you don’t have any clue how wormholes work in order to attend the mighty fleet! All you need is to be able to fly a ship, preferably something stronger than a rookie ship with civilian guns.


Be ready in Jita on the 6th of October (on Saturday) at 1700 for form up for the fleet.

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