Audaerne buyback location moved to new station | Audaerne – SiCO Refining & Buyback

The buyback station in Audaerne has changed. The new station for buyback contracts is Audaerne – SiCO Refining & Buyback.

As the changes in the moon mining fields removed all normal ores from the moons we are left out with only moon ore. Mining manor only had T2 refining rigs for ore reprocessing.

To increase the efficiency of our buyback and refining operations we have now onlined a new station called Audaerne – SiCO Refining & Buyback. This station will have T2 refining rigs for Ore and Moon ore and T1 refining rigs for Ice refining.

This station is also in undock line from the market central so that it is now easier to move from market central to the buyback station.

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