Another month and a year has again passed us and it is time to sheer some light on the FAT statistics for December.
Starting from the 12th of December our corporation began the largest recruitment drive our coalition has ever seen. While still pulling in new members our corporation has grown from 200 members up to 1200 members in less than a month. This growth has also allowed us to increase the amount of fleets we are pushing out and the amount of content we are finding.
The amount of fleets is now more or less limited only by the amount of fleet commanders we have. For mining fleets there should never be a shortage for boosters so whenever you can’t find a mining fleet to join feel free to poke the industry commanders around.
We have also launched a program to train new fleet commanders so that in the future we would be able to cover more time zones with pvp and pve fleets. Currently the primary zone with most FCs lands on EU prime which is around 1900 EVE time. We are doing our best to provide content also outside of this zone.
For the rest of the Decembers events you can have a look at our news section.
Fat Scores
Fat scores are used in the coalition to measure fleet activity in different areas. Each fleet with a coalition fleet or industry commander is valid for a FAT link. We have no requirements for you to click a certain amount of FATs and the points generated are purely for gathering data and monitoring our fleet activity.
For the total of December the whole coalition generated 255 FAT points which is a nice increase to the 95 FATs generated in November.
With more and more fleets going out and people learning to use FATs we are assuming the total amount of FATs to keep on going up!

On the character level we had a lot of new faces on the top FAT clicks as well as some familiar ones. The player for most FATs in November Charles Kotanir can still be found from the 4th place overcome by three other pilots: Mia Toolway, Kakiki Khamez and Okinararu Cavin-Guang.
The title of the FATest player of December goes to Okinararu Cavin-Guang. A honourable mention will be given to Kakiki Khamez for reaching the second place as a brand new coalition member. Okinararu Cavin-Guang like the rest of the FATest players will find their names frozen on the hall of fame.

And here is the complete list of FATs:
Okinararu Cavin-Guang | 17 |
Kakiki Khamez | 12 |
Mia Toolway | 12 |
Charles Kotanir | 10 |
Garen Willow | 9 |
Gangel Mileghere | 7 |
Ikarus Cesaille | 7 |
Callum Nexus | 6 |
Yahila Annages | 6 |
Dragon Thorns | 5 |
Frosty Mcfeels | 5 |
Juli RedStained1 | 4 |
Mata Soft | 4 |
Prezes Znamienity | 4 |
Synthetic Dreamz | 4 |
Thundernuts | 4 |
Xion Amarak | 4 |
Chylde of Darq | 4 |
Mata Soft | 4 |
Aoi Jay | 3 |
Aurelia Naari | 3 |
Caliban Maricadie | 3 |
DIxon Siider | 3 |
Forseti Strongwill | 3 |
Jim Nolenn | 3 |
Junto Kast | 3 |
Jyn Kerensky | 3 |
hivhest | 3 |
Sir Bastien | 3 |
Angus Wolf | 2 |
Askemi Aldurald | 2 |
Aubrell Solette | 2 |
Avery Makanen | 2 |
Blindmann | 2 |
Brinjee Amatin | 2 |
Buzz Kerensky | 2 |
Iko Mekooni | 2 |
Joseph Solaak | 2 |
Kenjar Arji | 2 |
Kyara Unzento | 2 |
Letifa Salverion | 2 |
Lianna Zhang | 2 |
Lucifer Suszek | 2 |
Paleyes | 2 |
Queen Atomia | 2 |
Skryfar | 2 |
Snape Prince | 2 |
Stonessour KoE | 2 |
Super Bankai | 2 |
Victim DVS | 2 |
Xaria Stormborn | 2 |
kyles Antollare | 2 |
Alexis Ravenheart | 2 |
Angus Wolf | 2 |
Apolexis Aulmais | 2 |
Executive Fusion | 2 |
Jafner | 2 |
Turin Hurinson | 2 |
Apolexis Aulmais | 2 |
Aethelbart | 1 |
Agrivar Patrouette | 1 |
Alpha Ronin | 1 |
Arterio Zamayid | 1 |
Arthorus | 1 |
Benang Hall | 1 |
Celest Hawkins | 1 |
Choko Moko | 1 |
Despair DawnLight | 1 |
Dr Bane | 1 |
Galeshin Amroventri | 1 |
HAN Leo | 1 |
Haern Calistinson | 1 |
Itachi Otichoda | 1 |
Jaxson Jaeger | 1 |
Jenda deRybak | 1 |
M Sledz | 1 |
Marc Gateraux | 1 |
Mick Rose | 1 |
Mika Okuda | 1 |
Moa Abyssal | 1 |
Mordecai Crenshaw | 1 |
Phil Piresh | 1 |
Rajar Telarian | 1 |
Raz Freel | 1 |
Rhianosha Isnaquoras | 1 |
Rictor Beldrulf | 1 |
Samuel Lefty | 1 |
Schwein Gurgelmojz | 1 |
Seh Pacht-Feng | 1 |
Sestus Yassavi | 1 |
SexMachineGuns | 1 |
Shatatamalad | 1 |
Silas Asher | 1 |
Sirus Bon | 1 |
Snake Solid667 | 1 |
Takria | 1 |
True Bishop | 1 |
Tylor Ash | 1 |
Uxar | 1 |
Xavos Arkaral | 1 |
Xzavis Estidal | 1 |
Zerubabel Contemplator | 1 |
half half Brisk | 1 |
kal Vaille | 1 |
richard Rahl ZwordOfTruth | 1 |
Lazaruis Long | 1 |
Sur Alucard | 1 |
True Bishop | 1 |