Late as always comes the fleet activity report for March. During the month we yet again increased the amount of total FATs generated by 60% compared to February. This is thanks to our very active FC team and the new trainees that keep pumping out a massive amount of fleets!
In the beginning of March we also introduced an advanced MQP doctrine to make MQP fleets also more lucrative for older players who like to take MQP fleets for the PvP content. This has hopefully increased the amount of people joining the fleets.
Besides MQP fleets we have now daily mining fleets that no doubt provide a lot of FATs for little effort. While any activity is good activity the fleets where you actually interact and talk with each other are more beneficial for the group spirit of the coalition as by talking you learn to know each others.

The average FATs per corporation look fairly similar to the previous months where the small more tight knit corporations are keeping the lead with better average and SEADC in the bottom with tons of members that obviously do not like to fleet up.
As for raw FAT clicks this is what the statistic looks like.
Strategic Exploration and Development Corp | 700 | 0.21 |
Heaven’s Angels | 273 | 3.55 |
Xa’sar | 203 | 7.81 |
Game of Drones | 7 | 0.03 |

The time and week days for our fleets keeps on following the same scheme as in the past where the most active days are the weekends and the low days are in midweek. The strongest times for us are around EU prime and US prime but also thanks to our mining fleets we now have had FATs generated also during AUSTZ.
The individual players that generated the most FATS during March are both Drews Gaterau and Garen Willow, who you probably know from running the MQP fleets! Both of you will receive an honourable mention on our hall of fame page.
Drews Gaterau
Garen Willow
As for the rest of you here is a list where you hopefully can find your own name as this is the list of all of the FATS generated during March:
A huge thanks for all of you that have joined our activities or host fleets for the other members! Lets keep up with the good work!
Drews Gaterau | 32 |
Garen Willow | 32 |
Freydis Eryldar | 26 |
Vixxy Koskanaiken | 25 |
Kakiki Khamez | 22 |
ZQuel JVal | 20 |
Drassir Shadowstorm | 20 |
Ragnarork | 20 |
Axel DuLepicerie | 18 |
Cynras | 18 |
Steve Sengir | 18 |
Thump3d | 17 |
Christopher Audene | 16 |
Orlin Pak | 15 |
takyari | 15 |
tehnube | 15 |
Alex Meowler | 13 |
Q-617 | 13 |
Paleyes | 12 |
Speed Mudd | 12 |
Wheels387 | 12 |
Pia Rippley | 11 |
Amu Hinamori | 11 |
Turin Hurinson | 11 |
Alexander Pardus | 9 |
Askemi Aldurald | 9 |
Calabel Ormand | 9 |
Charles Kotanir | 9 |
Sarah Lian | 9 |
Lady Bastian | 9 |
Callum Nexus | 8 |
Sierra Sin | 8 |
Governor Talos | 8 |
Shatatamalad | 8 |
Felix Berman | 7 |
kazuto kirigayha | 7 |
Kha’Xerath Fera | 7 |
Zanyon Lazair | 7 |
Anoron Secheh | 7 |
cicero jones | 7 |
Okinararu Cavin-Guang | 7 |
RabidBanana | 7 |
Ezekiel Ezreal | 7 |
Emrystari Mithrandir | 6 |
Marc Gateraux | 6 |
Murplex | 6 |
Okimia Rawr | 6 |
Qi Hei | 6 |
Victor Primus | 6 |
Andrew Blades | 6 |
AshraZ | 6 |
Edward Preble | 6 |
IsabellaW | 6 |
OliviaR | 6 |
Sir Bastien | 6 |
Art Novel | 6 |
Aien Rin | 5 |
Anthiren Snapexlon | 5 |
Kieth T Maxwell | 5 |
Kviatkers MacLeighlan | 5 |
kyles Antollare | 5 |
lexi hatsune | 5 |
Loki Lian | 5 |
Omre Acami | 5 |
Rangae | 5 |
Rhacknar Ragnarock | 5 |
Aurelia Naari | 5 |
Faya Naari | 5 |
Lernitup | 5 |
Serren Lian | 5 |
Shitty Pinata | 5 |
Vondum | 5 |
Chiara VanBurlet | 4 |
Ebon Hawk Enterprise | 4 |
Ezekiel Rahner | 4 |
General Prometheus | 4 |
gsakills | 4 |
Hariti Gemulus | 4 |
Iko Mekooni | 4 |
Kartanis Tald | 4 |
lace Firn | 4 |
Moa Abyssal | 4 |
Robin Aldent | 4 |
Skryfar | 4 |
Wolfjack Smith | 4 |
Zed Nebulae | 4 |
Zelinda Zeltak | 4 |
Amadan Secheh | 4 |
Jane Whisperdoom | 4 |
Rick Stumpf | 4 |
Dendrobates | 4 |
Zyal Oskold | 4 |
Alex Rosem | 3 |
Arxan | 3 |
Behmen Lemmont | 3 |
boo Mileghere | 3 |
Byron Corwin | 3 |
Caldari Citizen 2114811602 | 3 |
Dan Veldd | 3 |
Dannis Chelien | 3 |
Dipak | 3 |
ederath | 3 |
Escarina | 3 |
Gangel Mileghere | 3 |
Hiltz Tyrannus | 3 |
James Cadwell | 3 |
karami Hirokami | 3 |
Kash Khema | 3 |
Liqyid Aemaeth | 3 |
Maisas LT | 3 |
Maric Chelien | 3 |
Mikasa Nigimura | 3 |
mrfrio | 3 |
Pedro deKaunas | 3 |
Puji | 3 |
Raz Freel | 3 |
Ridley Balta | 3 |
sal spaniel | 3 |
The Muvila | 3 |
Tronax Rotineque | 3 |
TUK milegherre | 3 |
Versus Fox | 3 |
Violet Desires | 3 |
Warek Mileghere | 3 |
Yourthepig beaders | 3 |
Drak Stumpf | 3 |
ewfs325 | 3 |
Thor Soikutsu | 3 |
Keladry Bheskagor | 3 |
Sammy Salamander | 3 |
Aerlinn Muvila | 2 |
Akithera Solara | 2 |
Alef Mentuhemtap | 2 |
Aln Shardani | 2 |
Amanda Amphal | 2 |
ArM Dziaulis | 2 |
Beauregard Novaskar | 2 |
Bektar Rowanbrook | 2 |
Ben Edeard | 2 |
Blonde One | 2 |
Brinjee Amatin | 2 |
Captain Zane Severasse | 2 |
Chozen Son | 2 |
Christophe Evrard | 2 |
Churlish Miromme | 2 |
Cismet | 2 |
CPT Vynneve | 2 |
Darkstar indica | 2 |
Darx DeZarkie | 2 |
Dr Thrax | 2 |
Dudeffs Pacht-Feng | 2 |
Dziaulis Gidrine | 2 |
Eris Noud | 2 |
Eudes of Chatillon | 2 |
Executive Fusion | 2 |
Exkorpiao | 2 |
Forseti Strongwill | 2 |
GeneralWolf Pack9 | 2 |
Gumpy Gumperson | 2 |
Horus Mihawk | 2 |
Horus Phoenix | 2 |
Ikarus Cesaille | 2 |
Jacobi Jantrit | 2 |
Jouko Inkunen | 2 |
Juli RedStained1 | 2 |
Kaonasi Faceless | 2 |
Kiyoshi Shikkoken | 2 |
KKD Korr | 2 |
kullwarior | 2 |
Lionel Flynn | 2 |
LocusAzzurro Orisis | 2 |
Lucien Girreau | 2 |
Luxite | 2 |
Matt Pordingus | 2 |
Meinhart Esrohr | 2 |
Merrium Altol | 2 |
Miasma Orlenard | 2 |
Nibor Audanie | 2 |
Noffe | 2 |
Prezes Znamienity | 2 |
Priscilla Presley | 2 |
Raemus Tam | 2 |
Ruthraki Krogsard | 2 |
Shaun Nagle | 2 |
SignalTrap Scorpiones | 2 |
SirArthurVlade Bettiatus | 2 |
Slugga Gaterau | 2 |
Superfly Flytreious | 2 |
Suzy Kew | 2 |
Val Koth | 2 |
Valkyrie Kion | 2 |
Xsteveox | 2 |
Zerubabel Contemplator | 2 |
Zzyzzy | 2 |
Agent Niner | 2 |
Creative Carrot | 2 |
Kevin Kuo | 2 |
Quavis | 2 |
Wraeth | 2 |
zero Kool | 2 |
IncognitoII | 2 |
Kignus Altrin | 2 |
Hitch Nova | 2 |
Marie Morton | 2 |
Mata Soft | 2 |
0wner | 1 |
alli Amilupar | 1 |
Andrus Andersson | 1 |
Arkham Nyqvist | 1 |
Arthorus | 1 |
asnabrasna | 1 |
Azura Shardani | 1 |
B-DBYP | 1 |
Bahahra Nicasar | 1 |
Balhut Fakutori | 1 |
Based Lad | 1 |
Benus Prime | 1 |
Beriann | 1 |
Beyotaurs | 1 |
biggs darknova | 1 |
Blindmann | 1 |
Bluethorn Thoth | 1 |
Briggus Pastro | 1 |
CaptMaule | 1 |
Charlize Eryldar | 1 |
Corva Cathbouda | 1 |
Cosima Khamez | 1 |
CrouzillesX | 1 |
DaveJ777 | 1 |
denmai | 1 |
Despair DawnLight | 1 |
Despair Daylight | 1 |
Djukta | 1 |
Douwe Fonulique | 1 |
Drasonate Anderson | 1 |
Dreemr Chelien | 1 |
EaCy McCallis | 1 |
EIucidator | 1 |
Enaka Taro | 1 |
Ethan Deninard | 1 |
Fluffy III | 1 |
Garion Itinen | 1 |
GexioS | 1 |
GreenBastard Lahey | 1 |
Heda Trikru | 1 |
hired gunman | 1 |
Intense Porpoise | 1 |
Ion Leticron | 1 |
Isabella Abani | 1 |
Ivan Kawalski | 1 |
Jasperje | 1 |
Jing Yi Huang | 1 |
Jinger MacJingen | 1 |
Jonathan Leandoer | 1 |
jonathan mancini Vyvorant | 1 |
Kakaroth Peychev | 1 |
Kelsier Hoiden | 1 |
kitson7944 Eto | 1 |
Kuki Pappotte | 1 |
Lalaith Hurinson | 1 |
Latent Vixen | 1 |
LCK Cruickshank | 1 |
legen willow | 1 |
Lil Liz Zeppo | 1 |
Long Santa | 1 |
Lostin Hyperspace | 1 |
LowProfile Vlad | 1 |
Malachi Venturian | 1 |
Mayhaya Pern | 1 |
Meow Rinn | 1 |
Metadyx Rainfall | 1 |
Mr Zeppo | 1 |
Namia Vetrahzad | 1 |
Nathius Zetora | 1 |
nmbthebrave Artrald | 1 |
Nod Ogeko | 1 |
Patros Lipton | 1 |
Rictor Beldrulf | 1 |
Roberto Barrios | 1 |
rupert man | 1 |
Ruth Shuksan | 1 |
Saarni Isis | 1 |
Selonius Green | 1 |
Sirus Bon | 1 |
Slug Ga | 1 |
Solomon Miromme | 1 |
Soren Vasar | 1 |
Stratus Magnifique | 1 |
subtle lass | 1 |
Tar Anarion Iluvatar | 1 |
Tavim Spree | 1 |
Tavin Garde | 1 |
Thralas Zavaros | 1 |
Timberworf | 1 |
Tom Dicard | 1 |
Valence Kautsuo | 1 |
Wendr Vynneve | 1 |
wilsonFFS Marstolt | 1 |
Xedon en Daire | 1 |
xepobot redino | 1 |
Ziggnautz | 1 |
Zooboo Alfrir | 1 |
CuSith | 1 |
Lena Of-SkyCrew | 1 |
Rudi Imback | 1 |
Trader Imback | 1 |
Tyko The Unpolished | 1 |
Yasin Stavrouski | 1 |
Alyson Skybird | 1 |
Crisp MuckFe | 1 |
Ganemede Skylet | 1 |
Robertus Neugen | 1 |