Wormhole life in SiCO and how to get started with it.

The following lenghty post will give you a deeper look about our current wormhole operations with HVEN. Since security has been increased in WH space it will now be a bit harder for SEADC or any other coalition members to get into wormhole life.

If you want to learn more about living permanently in the Wormhole please reach out to Sir Bastien or any Heaven’s Angel member (most often found on discord wormhole standing fleet channel)

Genesis 12:3

“I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

Matthew 6:14-15

14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Good morning Angels!

It has been an amazing two weeks being back from Vacation. Spring is upon us and is a signaling of rebirth and growth. We were able to learn from our previous major encounter in Wormhole space as well work through “a kiss of Judas” that would have toppled most player run corporations in MMORPGs. This speaks to the cohesive group we have formed from all corners of the globe that is built on trust and love. I am honored to fly with all of you.

What is going on?

We have established ourselves in a new C4 Wormhole with a C3 and C4 Static. This still allows close access to K-Space and solo exploration opportunities as well as Group Play down the C4 C5 Highways with more difficult ratting encounters with higher ISK payouts. The Wormhole is very much open for business and is calling you home.

We have successfully anchored a Fortizar and have all production capabilities that we had prior. I want to personally thank AshraZ and another unnamed benefactor for their Donation of the Fortizar. Without their financial support in this endeavor it would have taken us much longer to get back up and running at full speed.

The Astrahus will remain operational with a Clone Bay installed for extra implants and another strategic structure for future home defense. Our main operations will be based out of the Fortizar. If you would like to wait on moving your things, an Obelisk will be operational in another week and should be able to move all of your things at once in a Courier contract (even fitted ships).

We currently have two Athanors up and running. The Gas Reactor is where Gas Reactions and Reprocessing occurs as well as provision of a third Clone Bay. This is where buyback can happen (as well as the Fortizar) but please make it easy on the workers by contracting your gas in the actual Athanor. 🙂 The Second Athanor is for mining operations and will be providing Spodomain, Arkonor and Sylvite on a weekly basis. We will determine the interest in mining and decide if we will be building out a larger mining operation.

Our final structure to drop will be the Raitaru for basic Blueprint and Research facilities. Plan on this being up within the next 24-72 Hours once we get final logistics and fuel needs handled.

Current Corporation Priorities:

Capital Ship Rebuilding – Our Main Focus are on Phoenixs and Ninazus. If you have an individual Capital Ship you would like to fly, please convo leadership and we’ll coordinate.

Fuel Production Line Running – Planetary Interaction in this Hole allows Fuel Block Production. Our only need is Ice which can be found in Shattered Holes. If you’re ever bored and want to spend 15 minutes in an endurance in a shattered Ice Field to bring Ice back to the station, you’d be an angel. 🙂

Home Defense Battleship Fleet – We have a Home Defense T1 Battleship Doctrine that was created and saved to Corp Fittings by Anoron Secheh. The Corporation will be providing these ships and fittings at no expense to the members to protect our home in time of need. Pick a racial Battleship and make sure you can fly one. 🙂

T3 Production Line:

Our T3 Production has been paused over the past couple of weeks due to the move, but we are back up and running. The T3 Roaming Doctrine and soon to be Confessor Hulls will be provided to members as they skill into them. Please Reach out to an FC or anyone in Leadership to be given one of these cruisers. After you receive the hull and subsystems, the expectation will be that you get them Fit up to Doctrine standards ASAP.

Corporate Finances:

As I’m sure everyone is aware, the amount of ISK it takes to move and get setup is quite a bit. In order for a Corporation to remain functional it needs to have Revenue. With large Capital Expenditures of Cap Fittings and Ore for production and Fuel we need to bring in ISK as a Corp. Living in Wormhole Space makes it difficult to generate revenue based upon taxes because Concord has no ruling body in J-Space. There have been many great suggestions about how we shore up our finances. We will continue to rely on Donations from membership to help in any way that you can. We have also re-implemented the buyback program at the Athanor which is taxed at 30%. This rate will not be permanent as we only need to recoup and shore up our finances. Other suggestions have been counting the Corporation as one share during PvE ops and donating to Corp Wallet. We will continue to monitor the Cash Flow Statements and recognize if a more drastic change needs to happen in order to keep things running. We are looking to eventually build up an SRP fund to help mitigate losses for pilots who are dropped on in WH Space.

Membership and Recruitment

Our current focus still remains as giving individuals an opportunity to experience and thrive in the harshest space known to Eve. We are founded on trust and love and are always looking for more good pilots to come make ISK and give the GF’s. 🙂 I will continue to pull from our warm applicant pool of Coalition Members who show Wormhole Interest to see if they would like to spend more permanent time in the Hole. Kakiki Khamez has mentioned of starting a Wormhole Pre-qualification program to put out to the masses as planned operations. Aurelia has started WH Daytrip Fleets again out of Amarr. We have determined that we need more numbers and will work towards finding like minded pilots that SHALL join HVEN before having access to our home hole.

Holding Corporation

We will be transferring ownership of our structures to a Holding Corporation to prevent the War-Deccing Mechanism from affecting our painful yet necessary time in K-Space. Dependant on current War Mechanisms this could be as soon as Friday.

Recognition and Thanks

Thank you to Anoron Secheh for your work on getting an old Corporation Fitting Index up to speed. You’re zealous approach to the Eve Fitting interface has left me in awe and other Fleet Commanders wondering where some of their fittings went. 😛 I know your continued work will make it easy for us as a whole to multi-buy and make sure we all know what everyone else is flying.

I want to thank Kakiki Khamez for the amazing attitude that is brought to the game at every waking moment. The excitement and positive enthusiasm lifts everyone’s spirits and is very needed in a game like Eve.

If there ever was a finer Sergeant you would not look past Cynras. His commitment to having the standing fleet up and running and his unwavering commitment to any operation at hand while providing a combat prowess that most will never attain is indispensable. If you want to know how to do it right, just follow him.

My deepest gratitude goes to Isabella. After the eviction Isabella took it upon herself to rebuild and give Angels a new place to call home. Her ability to handle things of a mundane nature while still being able to provide Pilots with content has a large part in why we are where we’re at today. If there is something to do in Eve, she’ll find it and happily bring anyone else along who wants to go. 🙂 Thank you.

New Chapter!

Heaven’s Guidance,
Sir Bastien

3 thoughts on “Wormhole life in SiCO and how to get started with it.

    • Ikarus Cesaille says:

      No it means you will need someone to guide you in or to join daytrip fleets to get in. ofc if you permantently want to live in wh you need to swap to hven

  1. 92207795 says:

    Interesting read! Nice too hear what’s going on and that it seem to be going good.

    In wh for corpincome we used:
    -Corpshare from PvE-fleets (this cut could be changed depending on alert level)
    -By selling some of the T3 production/reactions/boosters
    -Bigger projects could be crowdfunded if needed

    For security measures we formed a defensive pact with some other wh corps. This is also good for intelsharing. We also built up a small reserve of a standard doctrine that rest of the alliance could fly, if you loose hole control it can be hard to bring ships in.

    Good luck angels!

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