Instructor program, help others learn!

We have had our MQP program up and live for a good while that teaches our new members how our systems work and how to fly in basic fleets. However there is a lot to be learned in eve besides just PvP fights!

We are now launching an instructor program that works very much like EVE University lessons. If you are an older player and are good at doing something, then why not share it with the new players that have joined us and possibly also EVE just recently!

As we are new to these type of events we are now going to gather all people interested in the role and briefly discuss what type of programs or guides we should use as our aid in the classes and then start rolling them out.

What you do

You hold classes about various subjects! It may be anything EVE related in any career you might have knowledge off. It might even be something as simple as teaching new players what resists are and what the difference in the tank types are.

You may hold a fast 30 minute lesson over discord or a 2h long lecture with power point and stuff, its all about educating the new guys!

While we are far from the level of classes EVE Uni is holding it doesn’t mean that we should not try to educate our members as well. Even a fast lesson with not that deep look into different subjects might spike the interest of a new player to ask and explore more around the area!

How you do it

The most important thing that people need to be aware is to know when classes are about to happen. Whenever you are scheduling a class simply make a fleet operation on AUTH with a tag [CLASS] in front of the fleet name (ie. [CLASS] How to stay alive in null sec).

What you need

You need to know what you are teaching about. You do not need to be a master of the subject but you need to have solid understanding of the up-to-date mechanisms around the area

You need to be active. Similar to all of our fleet commanders we want all players holding roles to be active. If you want to teach then apply for the role but if you go inactive or get tired of teaching please drop the role as well.

How to apply

To apply for the role simply got on AUTH and apply to the instructor role.

3 thoughts on “Instructor program, help others learn!

  1. 2112135452 says:

    Great idea. I find helping new players in-game to be more practical time-wise. e.g. while i’m mining. Usually I find them in corp chat and then move them to pvt chat and help for 10 min or so.

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