Logistic ships & advanced ships added to MQP

MQP doctrine has received some more fits in it! For rookies there are now also a logistics option available in form of Bursts and Bantams. Both of these fits have been made cheap and easy to get into. While T1 logistic frigates tend not to be too popular in frigate doctrines due to their well lack of healing power they are a perfect and low investment way for new players to learn how logistics actually work.

Adding logistic ships to the MQP also means that also the players in the DPS role ships will get the idea of broadcasting for repairs which is used in all proper fleets.

And we have not either forgotten those older pilots who like to keep attending the MQP fleets over and over again. We have added a second level doctrine inside the MQP doctrine called Advanced MQP. These fits are extremely hard to fit and require good skills to be flown. However they are the perfect match for those who already have higher SP and would like to provide more punching power or repairing power to the MQP fleets.

As always all of the fits in the doctrine are in the range of full SRP!

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