Looking for Fitting Managers

The meta in EVE fittings changes more often than i change my socks. Well at least it feels like it when all of the fits are always outdated when someone ask about them! And how about those doctrines, never there when you need them!

Lets put a stop on bad fits and lack of doctrines! The coalition is now looking for players that are good or interested with playing around with fits. You will need to have some level of understanding of fitting to apply for this role and experience in null sec fleet doctrines is counted as a pro.

You will be gaining access to the fleet doctrine system called fleetup and will be able to manage, update and create f its and doctrines with the rest of the management team. All fits and doctrines will be showing up on our AUTH https://auth.silentcoalition.com/fleetup/doctrines/. Besides of this you will get a colored title on discord as well as fame for creating the fits that no fleet in EVE can counter (at least that is what we hope for!).

To apply to the group please have your discord account active and apply to the Fitting Manager role at https://auth.silentcoalition.com/groups/

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