Week one schedule for Silent University. While we will avoid it as much as possible, schedules may have to shift so check back here to see if there are any updates. All classes are held in the LinkNet discord and all times/dates listed are in Eve time. If you would like to convert any of them to your local timezone you can check out: https://www.eveonlinetime.com/
Featured Presenters:

Voice intheclouds is CEO of Ordinis Silens, Executor of the future Silence Inc alliance and longtime Eve player of 6 years. He has been heavily involved in LinkNet (formerly Silent Coalition) since its founding 6 years ago. Primarily he prefers to spend his time helping new players and chatting on comms.

Krowez Mao is CEO of Valadis Industries and an avid Industrialist and Market Trader. Krowez has been Playing eve since late 2003 has lived in null since 2007 in some form or another.
Week 1 Class List:
Friday (10/16)
- 15:00 – Espionage & Counter Intelligence
Intel in Eve goes much deeper than what you can see just by flying system to system. Ever wonder how the other guys always seem to know more? Attend to find out more.
Instructor: Voice intheclouds
Location: Meeting 1 - 19:00 – Multiboxing in Eve
You see it everywhere, but how do you make multiboxing effective? Understand the mechanics of multiboxing and how to get the most out of your extra accounts.
Instructor: Krowez Mao
Location: Meeting 2
Saturday (10/17)
- 02:00 – Combat 101
Combat Mechanics. Alpha, Falloff, Turret types, Damage types galore.
Instructor: Voice intheclouds
Location: Meeting 1 - 12:00 – Triglavians & Abyssals 101
Who are these trig dudes everyone keeps talking about? How do they suddenly have their own region? How can I participate in this unique event?
Instructor: Rolandius Onzo
Location: Meeting 1 - 17:00 – What is Silent University
What is this thing that sounds like Eve University, but isn’t Eve University? How can it help me? How do I get the most out of it? Come get an overview of this new LinkNet program and how it can benefit you!
Instructor: Jafner
Location: Meeting 1
Sunday (10/18)
- 00:00 – My first 30 days in Null
We put one of our newer Null Sec members in the hotset to talk about their experiences since joining a Null Sec corporation and answer your questions about their experience as a newer player in Null.
Instructor: Michael Sarum
Location: Meeting 1 - 08:00 – Planetary Production (PI) 101
Planetary Production, formerly Planetary Interaction, overview. How do you get started extracting basic resources for that sweet semi-passive ISK!
Instructor: Oromi C’n
Location: Meeting 1 - 18:00 – Null Sec/General Q&A
Want to know more about the Null life or just simply want some general Eve questions answered? Join one of our Q&A sessions. You might learn something different each time.
Instructor: Madacius Simalia
Location: Meeting 1
Monday (10/19)
- 13:00 – Overview 101
How to effectively set up an overview, how to use it, and some general tips and tricks.
Instructor: Storytellar Stargazer
Location: Meeting 1 - 17:00 – Ship Mechanics 101
The attributes of your ship (e.g speed, CPU, scan resolution…), how to change them, and what can be done TO you.
Instructor: Storytellar Stargazer
Location: Meeting 1 - 19:00 – Jump Clones 101 and Effective Training
Jump clones 101, with some information on medical clones as the start in order to explain the difference. Character attributes, neural remapping, implants and booster drugs, as well as an overview for using clones effectively.
Instructor: Fist of Xaos
Location: Meeting 2 - 21:00 – Rapid Response Home Defense Fleet Training
How to rapidly respond to a friendly distress call. This will be an actual fleet exercise so if you’re tired of sitting in a classroom this is your chance to metaphorically stretch your legs!
Instructor/FC: PrimalGhost
Location: Meeting 1
Tuesday (10/20)
- 13:00 – Null Sec/General Q&A
Want to know more about the Null life or just simply want some general Eve questions answered? Join one of our Q&A sessions. You might learn something different each time.
Instructor: Storytellar Stargazer
Location: Meeting 1 - 17:00 – Fitting Theory
A high-level, piece by piece overview of what goes into assembling a ship fitting. Explains how module bonuses are applied and how stacking penalties are calculated. Includes faction mods, and Meta levels.
Instructor: Storytellar Stargazer
Location: Meeting 1
Wednesday (10/21)
- 03:00 – Industry 101
This class is intended for those who wish to follow the career path of a Producer. The mechanics of research, production, and manufacturing. Related skills.
Instructor: Cresenne jaTerba
Location: Meeting 1
- 19:00 – Null Sec Roam
Our second fleet of the week. This one will take us out to Null Sec to see if we can find some fun!
Instructor/FC: PrimalGhost
Location: Meeting 1
Thursday (10/22)
- 00:00 – Null Sec/General Q&A
Want to know more about the Null life or just simply want some general Eve questions answered? Join one of our Q&A sessions. You might learn something different each time.
Instructor: Madacius Simalia
Location: Meeting 1
- 10:00 – 3rd Party Tools and ESI
What the is this magic that lets zkill, dotlan or evepraisal interact with the in-game world? What information can be accessed without your permission? How can you revoke some websites access to your data etc.? Let’s have a look around all those eve related websites that veteran players use all the time.
Instructor: Mestiv
Location: Meeting 1
- 19:00 – Empires and Sov – High Sec/Low Sec/Null Sec
An overview of the different types of regions in EVE and what it’s like to live in each, including Nullsec, Lowsec, and Highsec (empires space). A beginner’s guide to understanding some of your options in New Eden, lightly peppered with details even more advanced players can appreciate.
Instructor: Fist of Xaos
Location: Meeting 1

Sounds great. Will the lessons be recorded so we can catch up on the ones we miss?
Not yet, but there has been a lot of requests for this and we are looking into it.
Recordings would be great for 2 reasons. My Australian timezone is a challenge, and I missed the first week anyway.
I completely missed this and will be looking for the next installment.