LinkNet Oipo War Deployment

LinkNet will be deploying for war!

Our allies at Absolute Order are going to war against a low sec located enemy and we will be joining them! Like with any of our operations the deployments are not mandatory but will allow you to experience war type gameplay with no risks.

Deployment Orders:

Staging: Oipo – Absolute Ascension (Absolute Order XX)
Corporations: All
Ships: Moa fleet & Ferox Fleet
Priority: War Deployment
SRP: Yes / ships provided for free

How to participate:

Since our target is in low sec space you are able to join the war operations with any of your characters. The best practice for Ronne based characters is to utilize the jump clones. Simply install a Jump clone in the staging station and jump there when the fleets goes live.

You can also move your SLTRN war corporation alt permanently to the deployment station so that it will be ready for the operations. SLTRN will do a full deployment for the duration of the war operations.

We will hand out the ships for you for free in the beginning of each operation.

Look up for war operations on our operations calendar

Some of the war operations may be hosted over on Absolute Order discord in case we are unable to find a Fleet Commander to raise our own fleet. For Absolute Order comms we will use their discord at

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