Increasing security for mining fleets | Comms Required

Due to the high amount of ganking in our HQ system done by The Tribesmen we are increasing our security in the mining fleets. The solution is a rather simple one: while in mining fleet you are required to be on voice comms. This way you will be able to communicate with your fellow fleet members and the booster.

This will hopefully also increasing interaction in fleets.

As a side note i highly recommend that you have a proper fit on your mining ship!

5 thoughts on “Increasing security for mining fleets | Comms Required

  1. 983923582 says:

    I don’t know where to ask this, but for mining fleets we are supposed to comm up, however, the ‘speaker’ icon is locked on my panel……actually on all fleets…. so, i can’t hear the other pilots. how do i get at least the mining comm unlocked?

  2. MrZeppo says:

    does this directive also apply to unofficial fleets? I fly a casual “new member” mining fleet, and i have not yet taken the Fleet Command Traning program. should i still be implementing Voice Com protocol with my unofficial fleet?

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