Official SiCO stance towards CODE

Most miners in high sec space should know what CODE is, what they do and how they operate. What you might not know is what are the reasons behind the CODE gameplay and what they are trying to achieve with it. Or then you might simply be disagreeing what code does.

The following statement will be the official stance of SICOs relationship towards CODE. It will not represent in any way the CODEs relationships toward SICO.

Silent Coalition aims each member to play the game exactly how they want to play it. To do this we are trying to remain neutral with all of the major entities in EVE so that it would be easier for our members to advance into different type of content, if they feel like it.

Keeping an neutral standing also means that we won’t tell you to be pro CODE or against CODE and what they do. In fact we do have our very own ganking special interest group for those who seek to take part in the criminal careers with their EVE characters. How SiCO sees CODE is simply another way to play the game we all love.

So as always it is down to the individual members to decide what they want to do, and we respect that.

As a miner in SICO you will have three different options regarding CODE:

  1. You can buy a mining permit from CODE and follow their rules. SiCO is completely fine with any individuals who decide to buy the permit or to support CODE publicly. It will also be your responsibility to then follow the rules CODE has set.

    If any of our members doesn’t like our other members supporting CODE they are to keep it to themselves as per our constitutional rules any finger pointing on individual members is not allowed with us. Please let each player to play the game they want to and not how you want to.
  2. You can decide not to buy a mining permit from CODE and do the required actions to reduce the risk of getting ganked.

    You need to understand that high sec doesn’t mean no risk. It simply means less risk regarding some gameplay types. However ganking is NOT one of the things that are harder to do in high sec than in lower security systems. In fact it is easier to gank someone in high sec as there are more neutral players around and you do not always know who the ganker is.

    Our official statement and recommendation for any high sec miner is to fly a proper tanked doctrine ship, be on voice comms and in our mining fleet while mining. By being active at your keyboard while mining greatly reduces the risk of getting ganked. You can read more about our standard mining fleet setup in our guides section.

    Our official mining program in high sec also provides SRP for those who have followed our recommendations for HS mining and still got ganked.
  3. You can decide not to buy a mining permit and keep on AFK mining in a untaked ship or in a ship with a crappy fit. However in cases like this there will be no financial support from SICO in case you lose your ship. Services such as SRP are meant for players who seek to be more active and learn more about the game and contribute to the community.

    If you get ganked there is pretty much no one else to point fingers at than yourself. It is not CODES fault that they are offering criminal gameplay for their members nor the fault of SICO for not buying mining permits to all of our members. It has simply been your personal decision to follow this path.

So the official stance of SiCO regarding CODE is: decide yourself and respect the opinions of your fellow members even if they would not align with yours.

If you want to support CODE and buy a mining permit you are free to do so. If you want to do what CODE does you can join CODE or join our own criminal corporation. If you don’t want to support CODEs actions aor buy a mining permit you should learn more about what ganking is and follow our recommendations for high sec mining to reduce the risk of getting ganked. Or then you can simply ignore our recommendations, CODEs demands and play the game however you want to play it!

This ends the official statement of our stance regarding CODE.

0 thoughts on “Official SiCO stance towards CODE

  1. MrZeppo says:

    This update is much appreciated as i myself have been unsure about what to do regarding CODE and our own efforts within SEADC to ensure the security of our Mining Fleets.
    I will be sure to share the link around to help those who have not read it yet !

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