Loud Crew Corporation | Special Interest Corporation For Gankers and Criminals

We have launched a new special interest group similar to SLTRN to deal with the neutral miners mining our moons in Audaerne. We present you the Loud Crew!

Joining this corporation is pretty similar as joining SLTRN: you make your new ganking alt with the buddy invite and inject the list of skills. In 5 minutes from making the account you are able to fly a 500 dps catalyst.

While we do understand that some high sec players might have a negative attitude against ganking it is somewhat necessary to keep high sec clean. It is also a perfect way for you to learn what ganking is and how to protect yourself for it.

The guide for creating your new gank criminal alt can be found on the LOCRE corporaiton page in here https://www.silentcoalition.com/about-us/locre/

3 thoughts on “Loud Crew Corporation | Special Interest Corporation For Gankers and Criminals

  1. 2114803594 says:

    “Asteroid Preservation Society” would be a funny corp name that would allow us to invent an ‘ecological’ theology around ganking people in our asteroid belts.. much like .CODE does.

  2. MrZeppo says:

    Gonna make a dedicated alt for this effort, and do my best as a part time kinda casual pilot to participate and recruit other SEADC members to participate also. In numbers , strength

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