Reworking Mining |Boosters purged, standard fleet setup reworked and SRP added for miners!

We are now reworking our mining fields and hoping to improve the quality of life of SiCO miners! This all starts with cleaning our all of our current mining boost role holders. In other words, all mining booster roles have been purged!

There will be a few changes how we want to operate our mining fleets in the future. So holding the booster role will now include some responsibilities as well!

The standard procedure for our mining fleets has been updated and can be now found in here: If you seek to be part of the team that keeps our miners boosted, you are required to follow the steps in the standard mining fleet guide.

If you are a mad man who always logs in after downtime and would like to commit your PC to always run 2 eve clients to keep up a fleet advert for the coalition (a proper 24/7 standing fleet) feel free to hit me up!

If you only want to boost people and don’t care about doing it the professional way, then feel free to boost people but do not apply to the mining booster group.

The big changes we have implemented in the standard fleet are:

We want to have one 24/7 mining fleet. The first booster to setup the fleet after downtime will create the fleet based on the settings we have described on the guide. This includes: proper MOTD and voice comms. Once the first booster has to log off they should pass down the boss role to another booster. This way we seek to keep one single fleet up around the clock.

As a miner in this reformed mining fleet you will get some new perks. If you follow the things mentioned in the MOTD: fly a proper fitted procurer, are not afk and are on voice comms we will provide you SRP!

SRP requires an active booster to be in the fleet to create the SRP link and it requires you to know what you are doing as a miner. We will not SRP hulks that have no fits or random covetors with ORE miners as that is not how you should be mining in high sec space.

If you want to be part of this new mining era in SiCO and help boost other members please feel fre to apply again to the mining booster role at AUTH

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