Great attendance in week 1! As we go into week two, we’ve received feedback that we were too null sec focused. We appreciate the feedback and we are actively trying to bring in new instructors to cover different aspects of the game. Have something you want to teach? Reach out to Jafner!
Also, we are trying to add more content for week 2 so check back for any updates! Reminder: All classes are held in the LinkNet discord and all times/dates listed are in Eve time. If you would like to convert any of them to your local timezone you can check out:
Note: we are now also scheduling around pre-scheduled LinkNet ops so that there is no overlap. You no longer have to choose, so why not do both!
Featured Presenters:

tehnube is CEO of Xa’sar which is one the main PVP null corps in LinkNet and has been involved in multiple wars as both defender and an attacker. Xa’sar is currently involved in world war bee fighting on the front lines in numerus forms of combat including capital combat. Some of these fights even go down as epic battles in Eve’s History.

Jafner is CEO of Game of Drones which has been heavily involved with LinkNet for about 3 years. While primarily focused on industry, Jafner has participated in almost all mainline “careers” in Eve online and started playing in 2009. Jafner hopes to one day have an industrial empire the likes of which Eve has never seen!
Week 2 Class List:
Friday 10/23 (23/10)
- 23:00 – Sovereignty (Sov) Mechanics
What is sov, how does it work, and what benefits does it provide?
Instructor: tehnube
Location: Meeting 1
Saturday 10/24 (24/10)
- 02:00 – Combat 102
So you know the basics, what’s next? What does the current meta look like? Bloren is here to help you out!
Instructor: Bloren Loren
Location: Meeting 2 - 14:00 – Hunting/Scouting 101
Practical training on proper UI setup and practices/tools/third party applications used in (primarily) hunting as well as scouting. A frigate if your choice with a microwarpdrive and either a Warp Disruptor or a Warp Scrambler are required.
Instructor: Garen Willow
Location: Ronne/LinkNet Discord Fleet Comms - 16:00 – My first 30 days in Null
We put one of our newer Null Sec members in the hotset to talk about their experiences since joining a Null Sec corporation and answer your questions about their experience as a newer player in Null. Is this a repeat? Not exactly. Each time we do this we’re bringing in a different instructor.
Instructor: Miromi Jocko
Location: Meeting 2
Sunday 10/25 (25/10)
- 00:00 – My first 30 days in Null
We put one of our newer Null Sec members in the hotset to talk about their experiences since joining a Null Sec corporation and answer your questions about their experience as a newer player in Null. Is this a repeat? Not exactly. Each time we do this we’re bringing in a different instructor.
Instructor: Storm Weaver II
Location: Meeting 1 - 08:00 – Planetary Production (PI) 102
Factory planets for P2, P3 and P4 production
Instructor: Oromi C’n
Location: Meeting 1 - 18:00 – Combat 101
Combat Mechanics. Alpha, Falloff, Turret types, Damage types galore.
Instructor: Jafner
Location: Meeting 1 - 20:00 – Industry 101
This class is intended for those who wish to follow the career path of a Producer. The mechanics of research, production, and manufacturing. Related skills.
Instructor: Jafner
Location: Meeting 1
Monday 10/26 (26/10)
- 16:00 – Story’s “Fly Safe” Flight School
Travelling, movement mechanics, bookmarking, dealing with gatecamps, travel fits. Class is followed up by a MQP like training fleet covering basic fleet commands.
Instructor: Storytellar Stargazer
Doctrine: T1 Frig/Destroyer
Location: Ronne/Meeting 1 - 19:00 – Support Skills 101
An explanation of what is meant by “support skills” in EVE Online and why it’s a bad idea to get into larger ship types prematurely.
Instructor: Fist of Xaos
Location: Meeting 2
Tuesday 10/27 (27/10)
- 15:00 – Cap Management 101
This class explains how ship capacitors work, how you can improve their performance, and how you can become their master – instead of the other way around.
Instructor: Storytellar Stargazer
Location: Meeting 1 - 20:00 – COSMOS and Hi-Sec Mission Running
Hisec Agent Standings and Cosmos Missions.
Instructor: Decius William
Location: Meeting 1
Wednesday 10/28 (28/10)
- 03:00 – Industry 102
T2, T3, Reactions. The scary stuff.
Instructor: Cresenne jaTerba
Location: Meeting 1 - 16:00 – Story’s FIX MY FIT
Love your ship but not your fit? Think it could be more effective? Story is here to give you tips and tricks on how you can more effectively fit your ship!
Instructor: Storytellar Stargazer
Location: Meeting 1 - 18:00 – Lowsec & 0.0 Q&A
Question and answer session regarding lowsec and 0.0 life.
Instructor: PrimalGhost
Location: Meeting 2
Thursday 10/29 (29/10)
- 18:00 – PVP Roam
Where will you go? FC knows! Just a fun casual and fun PVP roam. Trashers and T1 logi frigs to be handed out.
Instructor: PrimalGhost
Location: Meeting 1